

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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2008년에 도난당한 피카소 작품 세르비아에서 발견

Stolen Picassos recovered in Serbia

Swiss broadcaster SF is reporting that two stolen Pablo Picasso paintings worth millions of dollars have been found in Serbia.
SF cites a Swiss prosecutor saying the oil paintings, stolen three years ago, are in a safe location.

In a program aired Friday, prosecutor Charles Faessler told said that Switzerland has submitted a request to Serbia for the paintings to be returned.
He provided no information on the exact location of the paintings or possible suspects in the theft.
The works, Tête de cheval (Head of horse), created by Picasso in 1962 and Verre et pichet (Glass and pitcher), painted in 1944, were stolen from an exhibition in the small town of Pfaeffikon, near Zurich, in February 2008.

They had been loaned there by the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Germany.

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