알렉산더 맥퀸(Alexander McQueen)(본명:Lee Alexander Maqueen)(출생-사망: 1969년 3월 17일 (영국) ~ 2010년 2월 11일)은 영국의 패션 디자이너였다.그는 프랑스의 패션 브랜드인 지방시하우스의 수석 디자이너였으며,"올해의 영국 디자이너 상"을 네번이나 수상한바 있다.또한 그는 팝스타인 리한나,레이디 가가 등의 옷을 제작한바 있다.
영국 센트럴세인트마틴스예술대학 패션디자인 석사학위 수여
웨일스 공 찰스, 미하일 고르바초프 등 고급양복 디자인 의뢰 및 작업
팝가수 비요크의 패션 작업, 앨범 아트 작업, 뮤직 비디오 작업
1996년 패션 브랜드 지방시 수석 디자이너
1996년부터 2003년까지 최연소 "올해의 패션 디자이너 상" 수여
CBE 훈장 수여
구찌와의 작업 및 패션감독
2005년 신발 브랜드 퓨마와의 합작
팝가수 레이디 가가의 패션 및 뮤직 비디오 작업
Jill Krementz covers Alexander McQueen at the MetAlexander McQueen: Savage Beauty
Costume Institute Retrospective at Metropolitan Museum
May 4th-July 31st, 2011The spring 2011 Costume Institute exhibition celebrates the late Alexander McQueen, who had a spectacular, but way too short, career in fashion.
Known as Lee to those who knew him, the 40-year-old designer committed suicide in 2010, one week after the death of his beloved mother. He was at the height of his fame.
The Costume Institute's retrospective, organized by Andrew Bolton, with the help of Harold Koda, includes approximately 100 ensembles and 70 accessories from Mr. McQueen's prolific 19-year career. Often outrageous, but always beautifully designed, McQueen's collections explore his engagement with the Romantic sublime and the dialectics of beauty and horror.
The six galleries showcase recurring themes and concepts in McQueen's work: “The Romantic Mind,” “Romantic Gothic,” Romantic Nationalism,” “Romantic Exoticism," “Romantic Primitivism,” and “Romantic Naturalism.”
Also on view are video highlights from ten of McQueen's renowned runway presentations, as well as a hologram featuring the model Kate Moss.
A book, Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty ($45) by Andrew Bolton, accompanies the exhibit. Featuring photographs by Sølve Sundsbø, as well as poignant quotes from the late designer, and an interview with Sarah Burton, who is now the creative director of Alexander McQueen, the catalogue is a worthy souvenir of a spectacular retrospective.
I'm guessing I don't need to tell you that Ms. Burton designed the wedding dress for Kate Middleton.
There are going to be lines around the block for this show. Fashionistas might want to leave those McQueen booties at home.
This photojournal is dedicated to my daughter, Lily Vonnegut, because she loves Alexander McQueen and because she is the one who first introduced me to his work.
Text and photographs ⓒ by Jill Krementz
all rights reserved.