"Poppy Field in Argenteuil" by Monet Named Most Popular Oil Painting for Mother's Day 2011WICHITA, KANS.- The popular online art gallery overstockArt.com, published today its official top five list of most popular oil paintings for Mother’s Day 2011. Topping the chart is Claude Monet’s maternal sensual masterpiece “Poppy Field in Argenteuil.” Other artists named on the 2011 Mother’s Day Top 5 Most Popular Oil Paintings for Mom list include Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh.
The oil paintings that made the 2011 Mother’s Day Top 5 Oil Paintings for Mom list are:
“Poppy Field in Argenteuil,” Claude Monet – In this colorful oil painting, originally created in 1873, Claude Monet painted his wife and son strolling together among the poppies.
“Le tre eta della donna (Mother and Child),” Gustav Klimt – Mother and Child is part of Klimt’s famous oil painting Three Ages of Woman. The painting depicts an image of a mother cradling her young son. The original was created in 1905, three years after the death of Klimt’s baby son, Otto.
“Maternity,” Pablo Picasso – This stunning oil painting, originally created in 1905, depicts the intimate bond of mother and child.
“Two Sisters (On the Terrace),” Pierre-Auguste Renoir – This masterpiece by Renoir is a celebration of the beauty of spring and the promise of youth. Interestingly, the two girls depicted in the painting were not sisters, as indicated by the work's original title, but unrelated models.
“The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze,” Gustav Klimt – “The Tree f Life, Stoclet Frieze” was Klimt’s last great mural work. The painting presents the life cycle as many of his other works of art did, but in a more serene way than pieces such as “Beethoven Frieze.”
More than 2,000,000 page views to overstockArt.com’s Mother’s Day gallery, http://www.overstockart.com/mothersday.html, were tracked. According to the click tracking, “Poppy Field in Argenteuil,” was the most sought after painting clicked at almost 34 percent, and Klimt’s “Le tre eta della donna (Mother and Child)” garnered 21 percent of the clicks to grab second.
“Mother’s Day is our third busiest selling period of the year,” said David Sasson, founder and president of overstockArt.com. “People love giving their moms the gift of art for Mother’s Day – it is a wonderful expression of love that will last a lifetime.”