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  • 유튜브20240110


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괴믈이 될까 아니면 명물이 될까?-영국의 우주박물관

Beverley Rouse, Press Association

Plans unveiled for Battle of Britain monument

Royal Air Force Museum/PA Wire

Undated artist's impression of the new Battle of Britain Beacon and glass-walled hangar proposed for the Royal Air Force Museum at Hendon in north London.

A twisted beacon taller than the Houses of Parliament could be created to remember the sacrifices made during the Battle of Britain. The 116 metre tall landmark building is planned for The Royal Air Force Museum in Hendon, north west London, and would be almost 10 metres taller than the famous clock tower at the Palace of Westminster.

The building, provisionally called the Battle of Britain Beacon, would be visible from the centre of London and will house a permanent exhibition about the Battle of Britain if construction goes ahead.

The Royal Air Force Museum is currently marking the 70th anniversary of the air campaign and announced its vision for the future at a fundraising dinner last night.

Development director Keith Ifould said the project would cost an estimated £80 million secured through private funding and there are several interested parties.

The distinctive design has also been well received, he said.

"We have had an amazingly positive response to it. Lots of people are saying 'this must be built'."

It is hoped the building would allow wider public access and ensure that the museum's unique collection of Battle of Britain aircraft, memorabilia and archives is preserved for future generations.

The museum is consulting on its plans and hopes to complete the project within the lifetime of some of the surviving veterans of the Battle.

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