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미술관 박물관에서 아이들을 마음껏 뛰놀게하라

Mark Brown | The Guardian

Museum staff told: stop shushing

* Mark Brown, arts correspondent
* The Guardian, Thursday 5 February 2009
* Article history

Museum attendants should be stopped from "shushing" children and displays should be hung low enough for youngsters to see properly, according to a manifesto to make museums more family-friendly published today.

The 20-point plan, called Kids in Museums, is being launched at the Royal Academy today. The campaign stemmed from the experience of Dea Birkett, a writer for the Guardian, who was asked to leave the Royal Academy five years ago after her two-year-old son pointed to an Aztec statue with snakes for hair and a beak for a nose and shouted "monster!". The family were "thrown out" for the noise.

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