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2015, 세계의200대 컬렉터들의 얼굴이 궁금하면 읽어보세요


artnet News Top 200 Art Collectors Worldwide for 2015, Part One

artnet News, Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Today's world is ever more globalized and increasingly interconnected—and that means the emergence of a new kind of multi-millionaire and billionaire with currency to spare (see The Top 10 Uber-Rich Art Collectors). Beyond their tendency to snap up properties of every shade, from penthouses to boats to businesses, this generation of tycoons, celebrities, and philanthropists are more regularly turning to another time-tested form of ritual consumption with a range of cultural benefits: art collecting. Be they heirs to Middle Eastern fortunes or young pioneers in the tech industry (see Meet 20 of the World's Most Innovative Art Collectors), art collectors in the 21st century represent a demographic more widely varied than ever before.

To chronicle our times and these champions of the arts who hail from all corners of the planet and every possible background, artnet News has compiled the ultimate two-part list. Our roster of collectors features those who have been most active within the past 12 months and have shown a remarkable commitment to collecting.

We acknowledge that the lineup is heavily skewed toward male collectors based in the US, but beyond the usual suspects, we've done our best to cast a light on collectors you may not have yet heard about. We're impressed by the number of influential women who made the cut (see The 100 Most Powerful Women in Art: Part One), as well as the marked contingent of younger Chinese men and women including Richard Chang, David Chau and Kelly Ying, Adrian Cheng, and Lin Han.

Some collectors are profiled in depth, while others, our 'Collectors to Watch'—including emerging connoisseurs, those who are operating under the radar, and those who were once very active even if they've been quieter in recent years—are incorporated by name only.

Organized alphabetically, the index is the culmination of a three-month process that began with a poll of experts in the industry—including dealers, art advisers, and other insiders—and involved the efforts of staff and freelance writer Emily Nathan.

We hope you find it useful!

Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (Russia) 

Moscow-born Dasha Zhukova opened the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture in 2008 in Moscow (see Dasha Zhukova to Debut Moscow's Rem Koolhaas–Designed Garage Museum June 12), and, with her partner Roman Abramovich (the owner of England's Chelsea Football Club) she is now developing “New Holland,' a 19-acre island in Saint Petersburg, into a similar creative hub. Together, they recently bought the world's largest collection of works by Ilya Kabakov (the priciest living Russian artist). Her collection is now legendary, containing thousands of mostly contemporary artworks. Her husband seems to prefer modern and Impressionist art, if auction records are any guide.

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