뉴 무지움 뉴 비엔날레 출범
the Artnet
Seven months after the triumphant debut of its new facility on the Bowery on Dec. 1, 2007, the New Museum has announced another initiative -- a global triennial of emerging art. The first installment, dubbed "Younger than Jesus," is slated to open in the spring of 2009. Featuring artists from the "millennial generation" born ca. 1980, the show is sparked by the idea of "enduring radical changes in history carried out by young people," according to New Museum director of special exhibitions Massimiliano Gioni. "It’s not about raiding art schools," he added. The curatorial team also includes senior curator Laura Hoptman, adjunct curator and Rhizome director Lauren Cornell, and a network of ten international correspondents and 150 "informers." The show should "compose a ‘Facebook’ of the new generation," said Gioni.
The New Museum opens its current show, "After Nature," July 17-Sept. 21, 2008, a selection of over 90 works by more than 25 artists organized by Gioni and depicting "a future landscape of wilderness and ruins." As is promised for the upcoming triennial, Gioni’s "After Nature" boasts many artists who are being seen in a New York museum for the first time, including Pawel Althamer, Roberto Cuoghi, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Nathalie Djurberg, Werner Herzog, Robert Kusmirowski, Klara Liden and Tino Sehgal. On tap at the museum this fall is "Live Forever: Elizabeth Peyton," Oct. 8, 2008-Jan. 11, 2009, organized by Laura Hoptman, and "Mary Heilmann: To Be Someone," Oct. 22, 2008-Jan. 26, 2009, curated by New Museum chief curator Richard Flood.