Neil MacGregor was the man who made dumb objects speak, says Sir Antony Gormley
Neil MacGregor announced his resignation as the director of the British Museum today. Sir Antony Gormley praises him for helping the public see, empathise and interpret the huge diversity of humanly made things
Sprightly diction, a winning sense of humour, an engaging openness to new experience — these traits, combined with an ability to absorb and identify with the subject matter and techniques of painting and subsequently of all made things make Neil MacGregor what he is: the spokesperson for the silent throng of things made by the human hand, heart and brain over all time.
Like no other before him, he has helped us see, empathise and interpret the huge diversity of humanly made things, allowing us to understand what they are and the world from which they come. In his consideration the painting of a group of adults and children gazing at a dead canary in a glass dome by Joseph Wright of Derby is not simply a new iconology but ushers in a time where the empirical begins to outweigh the magical without losing any mystery, or a wooden handcart becomes the objective witness of the plight of displaced persons in the German diaspora after the Second World War, returning to a Heimat that knows them not. Objects can tell us stories that stories themselves cannot tell.
In his 13 years at the helm of the British Museum, Neil has re-inspired and revived the purpose and spirit of the museum as a public, free collection “of and for the world”. Under his leadership the BM has mounted an extraordinary series of exhibitions: the drawings of Michelangelo, 2006; an examination of Empire from Qin Shi Huang to Shah Abbas via Hadrian, 2008/9; The Haji, a revelation of the pilgrims’ path to Mecca told by maps, embroideries and contemporary art from Saudi Arabia, 2012. Under his directorship too the World Exhibitions and Conservation Centre opened, to allow the keepers and staff to examine, research and look after objects with contemporary instruments in contemporary conditions. It ushers in the era of the necessary modernisation of the museum’s functions and an exhibition space in which to mount broad spectrum shows such as The Vikings and the current show, Defining Beauty, about the body in Greek sculpture.
All cultures valued: a spear from the British Museum's exhibition Ice Age Art: Arrival of the Modern Mind
Neil has been brave in encouraging the trustees to lend: the Cyrus Cylinder to Iran in 2011 and the Ilissos river god from the Parthenon Marbles to the Hermitage at the end of last year, in both cases going against a political stand-off, believing it is through a silent communion with objects that the clamour of nationalism can be calmed.
The reaching out to a wider world which has characterised Neil’s tenure has been matched by the widening of the museum’s contact with other institutions both within Britain and abroad. Through lending thousands of objects and the World Collections scheme that trains curators from across the globe, the British Museum has shared its knowledge as well as its treasures.
At home, the successes of exhibitions that test the old and the new, Ice Age Art: Arrival of the Modern Mind and the marvellous wild enthusiasms of Grayson Perry’s Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman, attest to a renewed confidence and imagination at work in the museum which will be Neil MacGregor’s spiritual legacy. Here is an institution that believes in the value of all culture whether ancient or modern, from those with histories written in words or wrought in objects and allows them to talk to each other and to us.
Neil, please keep inspiring us in the many ways that only you know how.
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