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Hermitage library employee arrested over missing illustrations
Pages with historic engravings and prints were allegedly cut out of books and offered for sale at antiquarian shops
By Sophia Kishkovsky. Web only
Published online: 16 February 2015
The Hermitage's collection includes the library of Nicholas II, the last Russian tsar
An employee of the State Hermitage Museum’s research library has been arrested in connection to the suspected theft of historic illustrations, engravings and photographs from its collection. The images were allegedly cut out from from books in the library and offered for sale at antiquarian bookshops.
According to a statement posted on the museum’s website on 13 February, the employee, who was not identified by name, was caught in a joint operation by Hermitage security and the Federal Security Service (FSB, the successor agency of the KGB). The missing pages were discovered last month during a check of the collection by library staff but thanks to the operation “further acts of vandalism and theft at the Hermitage research library were stopped”, the museum says, and items of historical and cultural value were recovered.
Dmitry Kochetkov, a spokesman for the regional FSB office, told the Tassnews agency that “a large number of engravings, lithographs, photographs and antique 17th- to 19th-century books” were found in the home of the library employee and “his close female friend, as well as in a number of St Petersburg antiques shops”.
In 2006, more than 200 works of art and jewellery from the Hermitage’s collection were found to be missing during an internal audit, with the thefts linked to a former curator who died at her desk the year before. Only around 30 of these works were recovered.
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