믿기에는 너무도 놀라운 일이 최근 홍콩거주의 이탈리아 역사가이자 소설가에 의해 제기됐다.
안젤로 파라티코씨가 주장한 내용은 레오나르도 다 빈치의 어머니는 중국인 노예였으며 모나리자는 이 어머니에게서 영감을 얻어 그린 것이라는 것.
그는 지난 20년 동안 홍콩에 거주하며 중국과 홍콩과의 관계를 조사해오면서 특히 2년 동안 연구내용을 ‘레오나르도 다빈치-르네상스 이탈리에서 사라진 중국 문인’으이란 책으로 정리해 내년에 출판할 예정이다.
홍콩의 사우스모닝포스트지에 따르면 파라티코씨는 레오나르도의 어머니가 동양에서 온 것이 확실하며 레오나르도 아버지의 고객중 한 사람이 카테리나라는 중국계 노예를 데리고있었다는 주장이다.
더욱이 그녀는 1452년 레오나르도가 태어난 해부터 온갖 기록에서 이름이 사라졌다는데 파라티코씨에 따르면 그녀가 더 이상 그곳에서 일할 필요가 없게 된 때문이라는 것.
다빈치의 아버지는 공증인으로 몇몇 기록에 보면 레오나르도의 어머니 이름이 카테리나라고 기록돼 있다.
Was the Mona Lisa actually a portrait of Da Vinci's CHINESE mother? Author says she was slave
New research claims Leonardo da Vinci's mother may have been Chinese
Angelo Paratico has spent the past two years working on the theory
The historian claims there are strong links between da Vinci and China
He said authorities should exhume da Vinci's relatives to extract DNA
Mr Paratico has also written a novel featuring James Bond in World War II
PUBLISHED: 02:02 GMT, 1 December 2014 | UPDATED: 13:52 GMT, 1 December 2014
Leonardo da Vinci's mother may have been a Chinese slave according to new research by an Italian historian and novelist.
Angelo Paratico has spent the last 20 years living and working in Hong Kong, researching the links between his homeland and China over the past half a millenium.
Mr Paratico said documentation he has uncovered during two years of research forms the basis of his latest book Leonardo Da Vinci: A Chinese scholar lost in Renaissance Italy.
Angelo Paratico claims Da Vinci used his mother as inspiration for Mona Lisa, pictured, and looks Chinese
The book, which is due to be published next year, uncovers evidence, Mr Paratico claims, that links Da Vinci and the Far East.
Speaking to the South China Morning Post, Mr Paratico said: 'I am sure up to a point that Leonardo's mother was from the Orient, but to make her an oriental Chinese, we need to use a deductive method.'
'One wealthy client of Leonardo's father had a slave called Caterina. After 1452, Leonardo's date of birth, she disappeared from the documents. She was no longer working there.'
Da Vinci's father was legal notary and it is believed his mother was called Caterina, who according to some reports, was a local peasant.
But Mr Paratico's new work claims it is most likely Da Vinci's mother was a slave.
Supporting his theory, Mr Paratico said: 'During the Renaissance, countries like Italy and Spain were full of oriental slaves.'
He claimed that there were certain aspects of Da Vinci's life and work suggest an oriental link.
He added: 'For instance, the fact he was writing with his left hand from left to right... and he was also a vegetarian which was not common. Mona Lisa is probably a portrait of his mother, as Sigmund Freud said in 1910. On the back of Mona Lisa, there is a Chinese landscape and even her face looks Chinese.'
A new work by historian and novelist Angelo Paratico claims that the mother of Leonardo da Vinci, pictured, may have been a Chinese slave
Mr Paratico said he believes the only way to solve the mystery is to exhume some of Da Vinci's relations in Florence and extract some DNA.
Mr Paratico has written several novels including Ben, which involves a young James Bond being sent off to kill Benito Mussolini to recover compromising letters sent between the dictator and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
His latest book is an English translation of a Latin work on Emperor Nero written in the 15th Century.
Another book on da Vinci suggests that the artist, who painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, was also a weatherman.
Geologist and Renaissance art expert Ann Pizzorusso claims the artist, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer was also the first to see the swirling patterns of water and air at the heart of a hurricane.
She came to this conclusion after seeing drawings of biblical floods by Leonardo in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle and outlines them in her book Tweeting da Vinci.
Vortex: Geologist and Renaissance art expert Ann Pizzorusso claims Leonardo da Vinci to the first to see the swirling patterns of water and air at the heart of a hurricane, as evidenced by this drawing
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