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프랑스 불법반입유물 250점 이집트에 반환


이번 한일문화부장관화의에서 일본이 탈취해 간 약탈문화재 관련 문화재 반환협력기구 설치를 제안했다는데 참으로 적절하다는 생각입니다. 

프랑스도 이집투로부터 불법으로 들여온 250점의 작품을 반환한다고 발표했네요.

France Returns Artifacts Stolen from Egypt

250 artifacts from as far back as 2000 BCE returned to Nile state, latest in long spate of French artifact smuggling.

First Publish: 11/28/2014, 12:45 PM

Egyptian soldier at Giza pyramids (illustration)Melanie Fidler/Flash 90

Paris has returned 250 ancient artifacts to Egypt that were illegally imported into the country and seized by French customs officials, the foreign ministry said Thursday.


Amulets, rings, funerary statues and pitchers, dating from 2000 BCE up to the Roman, Byzantine and Medieval eras were returned to the Egyptian embassy.

Foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said the artifacts were from “two batches of archaeological items...identified by the Louvre museum as authentic.”

French customs seized the items at Paris’s main airport Charles de Gaullein March and November 2010, hidden in the baggage of travelers coming from Cairo.

Customs authorities said in a statement it was the third time this year that France had returned illegally imported cultural artifacts to foreign authorities.

In February, French President Francois Hollande returned an extremely valuable ancient terracotta statue from Nigeria’s Nok civilization - seized by customs in 2012 - to authorities in the country.

And in early November, 13 reptile fossils were returned to Brazil, eight years after they were seized.

AFP contributed to this report.


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