데미안 허스트의 예술공간, 런던 남부에 2015년 5, 6월 중 오픈 예정
전시 및 컬렉션 코디네이터 찾는 중
Damien Hirst's London art space due to open next spring
Situation vacant to oversee artist's exhibitions and collection
By Gareth Harris. Web only
Published online: 22 July 2014
How Hirst's Newport Street Gallery will look
Damien Hirst’s art complex in south London, which was initially due to open this year, will take a little longer to complete. A spokeswoman for Science Ltd, Hirst’s company, says that it is now due to open “in May or June” next year. The centre, which is designed by Caruso St John architects, runs the length of Newport Street in Vauxhall. The former theatre carpentry and scenery production workshops will become six galleries. Office space and a restaurant are also planned.
Early in 2012, Hirst announced plans for the ambitious new venue which, he said will provide a place to show his collection of contemporary art. Hirst is now looking to hire a collection and exhibitions co-ordinator who will be based at the Newport Street complex.
An exhibition drawn from Hirst’s Murderme collection held at the Serpentine Gallery in London in 2007 included works by Jeff Koons, Richard Prince, Francis Bacon, Angela Bulloch, Jim Lambie and Sarah Lucas. In 2010, Hirst was among the unsuccessful bidders to take over the Magazine Building, a 19th-century structure in Kensington Gardens, which reopened last year as the Serpentine Sackler Gallery after its conversion by Zaha Hadid Architects.
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