Japanese artist On Kawara dies aged 81
Conceptual artist is best known for making date paintings for the past 48 years
By Pac Pobric. Web only
Published online: 10 July 2014
On Kawara's work on show at David Zwirner gallery
On Kawara, the Japanese-born conceptual artist best known for making date paintings for the past 48 years, died today, Thursday 10 July, at the age of 81.
Kawara began making his date pictures, known collectively as the “Today” series, on 4 January 1966 in New York and continued to work on them for the rest of his life. Each hand-painted work was completed on the date depicted and most were packaged with newspaper clippings from local publications. Because Kawara refused all interview opportunities and declined even to have his photograph taken, the thousands of pictures made in the series cultivated an air of mystery, despite their deliberate tedium. Kawara felt they should speak for themselves.
The Guggenheim Museum in New York is currently planning a retrospective of his work, due to open next February.
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