

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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큰 손의 통 큰 기부


Chinese Art collection worth $170M donated to M+ 


Swiss collector Uli Sigg said he was donating the works of his prominent collection to the M+ gallery museum in Hong Kong, due to open in 2017, because he wanted Chinese people to see them but was concerned about restrictions if they went to a mainland museum, given the portrayal of China in some of the pieces.


Hong Kong has greater freedom of expression than the mainland under the mini-constitution adopted in 1997 when it reverted back to Chinese from British rule.


Sigg, a former ambassador to Beijing, is one of the world’s leading collectors of contemporary Chinese art, collecting almost 1.500 art works over the past 30 years.

In addition to 26 works by prominent dissident artist Ai Weiwei, the collection includes works by Zhang Xiaogang and Zeng Fanzhi and a controversial 1979 wooden sculpture by Wang Keping depicting a face with a hand across its mouth.


In addition to the donated works, the gallery has also agreed to buy 47 other pieces from Uli Sigg for $22 million.

Sigg said his intention had always been to return something to China because of the incredible experience the country and its artists had given him over the past 33 years.


“This is my contribution: to enable these artists to have a space within M+ where they will communicate with an International audience, and where they will meet with a Chinese public,” he said.

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